I've been 'absent' for almost a week. There's so much to blog about but something happened that caused me to be in a tizzy. Hubby brought the camera to Tehran hoping to capture a pic or two of the beautiful snowing Tehran...the camera with all the many pics yet to be downloaded. What frustated me was that I had planned to blog about all the pics. Although hubby had emailed the pics to me the next day, I'd lost interest to blog...there and then. Tergencat emosi sekejap he he...merajuk la lebih kurang...(Yang, I tak marah you ya, I cakap je).
So, just to warm up emosi yang dah tergencat sikit ni, just want to share a few pics depicting a rainy night in Dubai for our remembrance once we return to our homeland. It's nothing special if we're in Malaysia but it's something in Dubai as it is a desertland where rain is a very rare thing. It only falls during winter.
It feels so good to actually drive in the rain in Dubai as we've never experienced it since coming here seven months ago. There was less traffic because it was around 6.00 pm, Maghrib time. We were on our way back from a friend's house at Dubai Marina.
p/s - It's CNY tomorrow. I miss the free oranges given by students.
Salam k.ziela..
Apasal merajuk2 nie..hhehe..semoga cepat sejuk..sesejuk pd malam hujan lebat tu..ari tu hujan memang lebat kan? masa kami otw balik nak pegi rumah k.azma tu, nak bawak keta pun susah tak nampak jalan..nasib baik sempat sampai makan steamboat tu..;)
Your first rain since you arrived in Dubai? It has been raining almost every evening/night for the past 2 weeks in KK.
Dah tak merajuk lagi la Eiyda, dah sejuk dah....he he. Masa kitrg amik gambar tu belum lebat betul lg. Tu la nasib baik sempat mkn steamboat kan...
Doll, our first rain since coming here was sometime in Nov or Dec last year in early winter. But this is the first time we were driving in the rain in Dubai. Ooo still rainy season in KK ya? I thought kat Semenanjung dah reda sikit.
wei..cite pasal hujan aje ke..wiper, cermin kat depan tu tak nak story kan ke sikit?
Wiper n cermin takyah story kan laa...Itu wiper n cermin sewa maaa... :-))
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