Today, 11th November 2008, is the first day of SPM examination in all secondary schools in Malaysia. Bahasa Melayu and Sejarah papers start it all. Thank you Pn Basinah (my dear ex-Principal) for informing me through an email. So, all the best to all my dear Form Five students whom I left since June 2008. May you all get flying colours results (including for the subject I taught for just a few months). I believe you all are able to! I'll surely pray for your success from afar.
Also, all the very best of luck for SPM to my niece, Ayu, in Melaka. Along, Ain and Apit say good luck to you.
Tahun ni tak kena jaga periksa SPM (invigilating) because I'm on a far, far away desertland. Fuhh...selamat...ha ha ha... Well, it's not that bad actually. I'd prefer invigilating for SPM rather than just staying at home for 1 1/2 months school holidays. I get to know many new friends, teachers from other schools. To all my colleagues in school, selamat mengawasi peperiksaan SPM. Bekerja dengan ikhlas ya kawan-kawan...banyak dapat pahala.
And soon after that, have to start marking SPM scripts. Again, I am spared the headache of marking essays this year. Aaah legaaa... Tak yah nak pening-pening kepala, migrain burning the midnight oil.
At this time around in November last year, I was busy marking the final exam scripts and preparing the final exam marks for all the classes I taught. Being a class teacher, I had to key in marks for all subjects, prepare the class mark sheet and report cards and 001 cards, and what not...In November this year, I'm here...hoyea...hoyea...enjoying myself before the laptop la la la la...
invigilating..sorry..i prefer marking then...i've just keyed in all the marks yesterday...lega rasa macam nak melompat2..i've not been a class teacher for around 4 years dah since i'm the s/u peperiksaan...rindu la nak kutip2 yuran, nak pegang rekod kedatangan...hoya hoya hoya la sekarang..another 2 years menangis sama2 la kita when end of the year approaches...
Paper BM hari ini senang sangat depa kata.
Ziela bila cikgu2 yang lain yang masih bergelumang the exams dan markah dan invigilating baca entry you ni, kalau dekat mesti dah kena belangkong dgn derang ha ha ha. Sib baik jauh. Siap tulis "la la la la" lagi.
Enjoy your time there while it lasts k.
Good for you Naza for not being a class teacher. In my 12 years of teaching, first time tak pegang class teacher is this year 2008 sbb pegang SU PIBG. Mula tu cikgu2 lain complain gak, diorang jadi SU PIBG kena pegang kelas, apsal I tak pegang kelas pulak he he. Sbnrnya ada projek mega sek dan PIBG awal thn hr tu. Memang sibuk giler masa tu. Slalu balik petang. Bila projek tu dah berjaya dan mengumpul sejumlah dana yg besar, barulah can shut their mouth. Bila dilantik semula jadi SU utk 08/09, I pulak had to leave the school to come here. Wpun cuma sempat 1 1/2 years kat sekolah tu, I bersyukur dapat juga meninggalkan sedikit 'jasa' (if that can be called jasa) pada sekolah tu.
Your last sentence scares me hi hi.
That's the whole idea Wiz ha ha ha...I tau cikgu2 sume tgh bergelumang dgn exam scripts and marks and invigilation at the moment, sebab tu la I tulis entry ni. They are too busy now to read my entry (kecuali Cikgu Naza)...and too occupied to be able to 'pelangkong' me hi hi..
Yup, enjoy while I can.
Yes...the nightmare of invigilating - kena be alert and nothing can be done. boringnya. Marking pulak, the stress to follow the standard and to complete within the dateline.
It seems that 'teachers' at every level pun lebih kurang sama kan Doll in terms of invigilating and marking. That's our life.
invigilating...yes... still invigilating but off duty till nxt week. marking....nooo....serik dah. Luckily, i don't have to key in d marks. Let d spm examiners do all d work. i want to enjoy myself once spm is over. Unfortunately, i'm d form teacher of a form 5 class. I still have work to d panitia files need to be updated. Nowadays, there are so many things to do in school. Regrets??? No lah... Kalau x masuk tesl x ler i kenal u
Rosh : So, kena invigilate juga la ya. It's not that bad right. Too late to regret la. Nothing to regret pun because this is the path we've chosen, just face the music, enjoy whatever we do and life goes on. All the best to us both...and to all teachers out there !
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