Monday, August 18, 2008

15.8.08 (Fri) - We Should Be Grateful...

I qoute this from a tazkirah forwarded by a friend. It reads "...Manusia wajib mensyukuri enam nikmat yang dikurniai oleh Allah s.w.t. Enam nikmat itu ialah : Pertama, nik'matul halqi - nikmat dari tiada kepada ada. Kedua, nik'matul insan - nikmat kita ini menjadi manusia. Kita tidak dijadikan haiwan. Ketiga, nik'matul bayan - nikmat kepintaran dan kecerdikan. Keempat, nik'matul roh aqli dan nafs. Kelima, nik'matul rezki dan keenam, nikmatul Islam - nikmat menjadi atau dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam".

While we are treating our little kids with an MP3 or MP4, ada saudara kita kat Afrika sana yang kena junjung benda tu semata-mata nak dengar radio...

When we are busy making our dreams to own a luxury car come true, this "cowrolla" would be heaven to them...

When there's an emergency to go to the clinic or hospital, we would fuss about the traffic jam or the many traffic lights, but what about them...

When I am grumbling about not having own transport and difficult to get a cab here in Dubai, to our friends in Africa this is heaven enough...!!

All these pics make me think that we should be grateful with what we have. Even though it's sometimes difficult to get a cab here, once we get it, we can sit comfortably in it enjoying the air-conditioned ride and can even doze off and let the driver do you a favour by bringing you to your destination. What's more important, you don't have to drive...

Nevertheless, it's not wrong at all to have dreams, right? Hubby with Hummer...he he he

Isn't it beautiful but tough! Ni kalau dapat sondol teksi-teksi kat Dubai ni...besttt...Kalau bawa balik Malaysia, boleh sondol drebar-drebar yang kurang ajar yang buat jalanraya tuh macam bapak dia yang punya...

From what we googled, we can get a Hummer in Dubai five times cheaper than in Malaysia!! No wonder we can see Hummers especially H2 a lot on Dubai roads...

p/s - Syukur Alhamdulillah...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love hummers too but the petrol that goes in it, could wet the deserts in Dubai!!! Not the way to go in Malaysia with the high petrol price here.