I qoute a friend of mine relating in her blog entry, "I got into a heated tete-a-tete with hubby regarding the duties of a wife". No doubt, I really appreciate the tazkirah given by her hubby to her...very good points for wives to ponder. Nevertheless, in respond to that, I also have a little something for hubbies and brothers out there to ponder too...
Mengapa WANITA sangat Istimewa......
Mama dan Papa sedang menonton TV, seraya mama berkata. "..i letih la..dah lewat ni, i nak tido lah...."
Mama pun pegi dapur nak tutup tingkap dapur, nanti masuk pulak lipas...leceh pulak nanti..dah tu, ade pulak rice cooker dalam sink..rendam lepas makan tadi..basuh jap...
susun pinggan kat rak, lap dapur..terpercik kena sambal masa masak tadi...check air panas dalam flusk..takut habis pulak nanti malam anak nak susu...memang dah kering pun flusk ni, jerang la air...sementara tunggu air masak, nampak pulak bekas gula dah kosong....salin la gula...chec k bubur untuk anak nak hantar ke taska esok..nasib baik ade lagi...ishh...ni lauk bila ni, semalam...dah beku dah...basuh la kejap....pegi yard, masukkan baju kotor dalam mesin basuh...penat dah ni, besok je la basuh...sidai kaian lap je lah...
tik...bunyi air dah masak...salin air dalam flusk...ok settle...
baru teringat tak semayang lagi...on da way nak g bilik, papa tgk tv lagi...nampak pulak beg anak untuk hantar ke taska...check...baju 2 pasang, towel...towel kecik utk selsama...calamine lotion untuk sapu ruam...pampers 4 keping....alamak..telupa pulak masukkan botol...basuh botol jap...ok settle...
ternampak pulak beg g keje...emm..besok nak pakai beg polo coklat lah, asik2 pakai beg hitam ni je...salin jap barang2 g beg coklat...cek sume 6 poket beg, takut la tetinggal apa2..leceh pulak..selalunya barang yang tertinggal tu la yang nak pakai nanti...hishhh sempit la beg ni...hangin je...nak kena beli ni beg baru...rasenya 25 hb ni Sogo sale nih...mana flyers tadi ek...ha ni die..ok, catit jap kat yellow sticker, nanti lupa..ok settle...
Tetiba dengar suara papa..."..u buat apa lagi tu..tadi kata nak tido.."...."..yelah nak tido la ni..nak smayang jap..."
masuk toilet..buat apa2 yang patut...cuci muka dulu..2 jenis lak tu...adoi..gosok gigi...smayang...pakai toner...pakai treatment cream...nak lawa and maintain punya pasal lah ni...
nanti orang kata baru anak satu dah macam anak 4 pulak...huhuhuhu...
bukak almari...emmm...pakai baju hijau ni lah besok...gosok kejap..check baju papa, baju papa pun kena gosok jugak ni...kat bilik belakang...
la, napa komputer ni tak tutup ni..gelas kopi pun ade lagi, dah bersemut dah..ishhh ...g dapur, basuh, sambung gosok baju...gantung elok2...kemaskan baju gantung2...masukkan seluar papa yang dah kotor dalam tempat kotor...ok settle..
dgr suara papa lagi..."..i dah ngantuk ni.."..dalam pada nak masuk ke bilik...owh...pokok aku dah nak mati ni ha..lu pa dah 3 hari tak siram...ok, siram jap...check jap pintu ni...sah tak kunci lagi...grill pun tak tutup..ni kalau tak check ni, senang2 je mat indon masuk rompak umah aku...bukak lampu luar..
ni mainan ni sepah2...masukkan la dalam bakul mainan budak ni...banyak nya...sampai bawah meja makan pun ade...adoi....ok dah ...
ok dah boleh baring...adoi sakitnya pinggang...cium si comel ni kejap...selimutkan die...la..napa basah ni...emm, tukar la pempers ni...tak bagus la brand ni, nanti nak tukar lain la...nanti g Sogo 25 hb ni beli la skali...ok sayang tido k...kalau boleh jangan la bangun tgh malam ni eh..tido sampai pagi k...gud nite..sweet dreams...
aaahh...sedapnya dapat baring...mana pulak lotion sapu kurus aku nih...ha, ni dia...sambil sapu lotion kurus,,,setkan alarm...setkan program kerja besok...pg kul 9.30 ade meeting..
ahh...boring...panas pulak lotion nih..dah la...emm..sedapnya lelapkan mata...Ya Allah...terima kasih untuk rezekiMU hari ini,. ..mohon keberkatan dari mu tuhan...papa pun bangun tutup tv..."...i dah ngantuk sangat ni...nak tido lah...citer pun tak best malam ni, bola pun takde..."...selang seminit ...dengar suara papa berkeruh...dah agak dah....
So?....apa yang peliknya..??
Anda tahu kenapa wanita hidup lebih lama?...SEBAB ADE BANYAK KERJA NAK KENA BUAT....tu yang tak boleh nak mati cepat tu...
Kalau lelaki mengakui kebenaran ini....hormati dah hargailah mereka...untuk keperibadian dan kebolehan mereka untuk berdikari...pasti anda disayangi kerana memahami mereka...well, women understand women better...
Semoga lelaki-lelaki di muka bumi ini akan lebih menghargai emak, isteri dan kawan-kawan dengan lebih baik lagi.
* This article was forwarded to me by my brother and also a friend (with a little modification).
This story if not exactly the same is very much similar to my daily routine (before being a domestic engineer in Dubai) especially when I've never had a maid. I'd rather not flashback to those difficult times...Come to think of it, if both the husband and wife work to earn a living, why must the wife do everything at home???
However, I am very thankful that my hubby has been very understanding enough as he always helped me preparing beg anak untuk hantar ke taska especially when I had so many things at hands that I did not know which one to catch up first...and once a while being the Jamie Oliver in our kitchen.
p/s - The only thing in the story that's not relevant to me is the lotion sapu kurus... Alhamdulillah can save a few hundreds from that.
Ha..ha..ha...my hubby did and does cook for me - confinement period and whenever I want to eat makaroni bakar) but he sure helps me with the household chores (whenever I open my mouth)
My hubby? you guys know who he is he he he, he doesn't even know where the plates are!!!! But he does help me hang the clothes, to which he is an excellent kain sidaier! Whenever I am upset with something, I will just have to close my eyes and think of all those neat kains he helped me hang. Am closing my eyes now...
Mine??? never being the Jamie Oliver even once for he enjoys eating but not cooking. But he enjoys mopping and vacuuming. Alhamdulillah.
The house chores sounds so familiar, never thought that much until u list them down... Pheww.. apa-apa pun give n take lah!!!
i could see a pattern here, no matter how 'imperfect' they are..they are still 'perfect' in our hearts for each of us are giving justifications to their daily 'unhelpfullness'
So not bad at all la our hubbies ya! Very impressive!!!
Naza, I want that recipe 'makaroni bakar' esp the one with cheese. Post in ur blog ok, please!
Wiz, my hubby is a very good (if not excellent) kain sidaier too! Ha ha ha...can imagine cute je Azam sidai kain...
Jeda, no wonder ur house floor licin berkilat! That mopping and vacuuming part my hubby's not that expert.
All in all, our hubbies are great too. True Naza. Agree Jeda, give and take is vital in our marriage life!
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